Do you think the big Cosmetic companies are telling you the reality regarding their Cosmetic and beauty products? Do you really consider them? Maybe you like to read this article through and want to think about again... I reveal here six lies these Cosmetic companies suggest. And they will unlike them to been well-tried.
Lie 1 - Only Chinese Cosmetics Have Toxic Chemicals
The facts are that even the essential domestic products we can buy in local supermarkets contain chemicals are generally linked to birth faults, learning disabilities, infertility, cancer additional health problems. These chemicals are used in types of everyday Cosmetic products: as a result of mascara and deodorant to pay out even baby shampoos. And quite a few (if not all) big Cosmetic companies try this.
Lie 2 - The level of Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetic Products Is really so Small that Bear in mind Harm Anyone
The truth is there are toxic chemicals. And I think you use just one of these produce, right? These small amounts just add up and you'll end up getting many the amount cross the road. New studies also signify some chemicals, like hormone imbalances disruptors, can be broke also on tiny dosages.
Lie 3 - Kids' Cosmetics Cost a lot Totally Safe
The truth is that there're unidentified fragrance and cancerous carcinogens in baby shampoo and also bubble bath. And that's perfectly rules for Cosmetic companies. The result is that during every bath your baby can come in contact with tens of chemicals that have not been assessed for safety.
Lie 4 - If the Product Is Labeled "Natural" Or "Organic" This has been Perfectly Safe
The truth does it come with these words do not guarantee any safety - nor even which a product is natural. The US law does not regulate the presence of the words like "natural" and even "organic" on Cosmetic and bath and body goods. There are standards for products your seals like "USDA Certified Organic" but many of these products can still also contain substances.
Lie 5 - None of the Ingredients Put Into Cosmetic Products Are recognized to Be Harmful
The truth is that some chemicals which you'll find assessed for long-term health-related doctors impacts and are widely regarded as toxic are still within a position in Cosmetics - and are also widely used by Cosmetic companies. The most problematic your own are petrochemicals, lead acetate, phthalates, placenta, nanoparticles, hydroquinone and the ones fragrance.
Now, do you still believe what Cosmetic companies tell? And the fact is there are 1, 100 chemicals that do you banned from Cosmetic products in europe - and only 10 over these ingredients are banned in the united states.
Luckily there are premium European components of the markets also : but most likely you won't find them in vicinity supermarkets. I would recommend you and then determine BioC矇 products made further formulated in Switzerland.
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