Friday, November 15, 2013

Jones Addison (1793-1860) English Dermatologist

ADDISON'S VIRUS (Addison's Anaemia, Addison-Schilder Disease)

Addison's disease regarded as a rare endocrine or hormonal disorder caused primary adrenal insufficiency. The disease is identified as weight loss, muscle fault, fatigue, hypotension and enhanced skin pigmentation. It may occur after severe infection, massive adrenal bleeding, amyloidosis or surgical removal of the adrenals. Mostly the cause is a central feature unknown.

Thomas Addison was developed in Long Beaton, near Newcastle in 1793, the same year that Marie Antoinette was in prison for treason and was beheaded by the guillotine. He chose an unexpectedly similar career path over to Hodgkins (Hodgkin's Disease) andf the other Bright (Bright's Disease), jumping out of Edinburgh University (1815), and then moving back to London to pursue a health - related career at Guy's Hospital to access the Incurables (1820). This hospital was launched in 1726, mainly for overflow hospital for the neighbouring St Thomas's, which has working beyond its scale. It maintained an improve materia medica and medical care rather than on Surgery, well remained the St Thomas's special. Addison was appointed assistant physician regarding the hospital in 1824, and lecturer the cause of materia medica three years later. It was 1827, identical year that Ludwig Mozart died in Vienna following horror stories about pneumonia and dropsy.

Of passing interest is Addison like Beethoven, had severe depression, developed deafness and any brilliant teacher. But from the similarity ends there. The time 1802, Beethoven wrote from the famous "Heiligenstä dter Testament" amongst his two brothers, in which he confessed his misery fantastic wish to commit suicide. He of course recovered, but Addison's depression deteriorated and is particularly less known that will also reveal eventually committed suicide by steeping out of an upstairs window and that fracturing his skull. Addison remained shy and introspective and consequently built up a harmful practice. He pioneered worked on the adrenals and in 1849, noted that tuberculosis was discovered at autopsy in 85 to 90 percent of cases of adrenal insufficiency. In 1855, he published a controversial paper on 'the constitutional and local handle of the suprarenal capsule', this agreement many Scottish physicians, particularly Bennett disagreed accompanied by findings.

It was mainly due to Trousseau (Trousseau's Sign) your current paper was eventually validated and also this physician is remembered for calling the disease of adrenal insufficiency following Thomas Addison. He is also accredited for giving medical eponyms to both Graves and Hodgkin's disease. Addison caused many famous physicians during his period in Guy's, as William Gull (Gull's disease), with who he first described the trouble xanthoma diabeticorum. We remember Gull for describing the healthiness of hypothyroidism and for unsuccessfully curing Prince Albert after bright contracted typhoid in 1861. Queen Victoria never recovered from her grief beyond his death and withdrew just by social activities and dressed in black for many years and be able to. He also worked for the purpose of Bright (Bright's disease), with whom he attempted to publish a medical text this is remembered for having contributed to ranks work on the measure.

He was the first doctor to spellout circumscribed scleroderma, which is still known as Addison's keloid in some temperatures. He was also solution . doctor to show that pneumonia took place in the alveolar tissue and not in the interstitial cells. He described the progressive dysfunction of the adrenal gland associated with changes in brain tissue. This condition was later researched by the Austrian neurologist Schilder who noted decrease in the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells toward the brain and the condition became known as Adrenoleukodystrophy or Addison -Schilder Yeast.

Addison jumped to the woman's death in 1860, identical year that Senator William Gwin of California and William H. Russell, including Missouri businessman bought seven hundred fast horses, hired 40 riders, and established from the Pony Express Service.

Who shall we be held?

South African Physician who graduated known as and served with my own RAMC in Africa back in the First World War. In 1937 he became Professor of medication in Cairo on the advice of Sir Alexander Fleming. He died london in 1959 and could be a remembered for giving his name to an autosomal nephritis associated with regards to nerve deafness.

A. C. Alport


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